My better half (better looking, better personality, etc.) had to leave early this morning to go to her weekly acupuncture. Before she left, she came back to bed, making sure I got up. Only had time to kiss her good-bye when, turning to the dining room, I saw a gift bag on the table. Oh goody. Look inside and, what do I find, but bubble bath (yummers), a sage smudge -- we've been having more visits lately from our ghosts -- and, joy of joys, dark red silk boxers from Simons. Wow, never had silk boxers before. I'm getting all tingly just thinking about it.
I guess this is for me giving her some moonstone earrings the other day. Heading off to eat at Aqua Terra tonight. It's sure to put a dent in my bank account.
So, what are the lonely hearts doing tonight? (hee hee)
On another note, much to my suprise and glee, I found myself a Spiderman Pez dispenser on the weekend. Collect them all. C'mon, I double dirty-dog dare ya.

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